OEM Workforce Programs

Strengthening Workforce Stability: Automotive Technician and Service Advisor Collaborations

Uncover the keys to combating high turnover in the automotive industry with Ducker Carlisle’s groundbreaking programs: the Automotive Technician Collaboration (ATC) and Service Advisor Collaboration (SAC). Through nationwide comprehensive research, including interviews, focus groups, and literature analysis, these initiatives aim to enhance retention strategies while simultaneously fostering the growth of new technicians and service advisors.

Automotive Technician Collaboration

The Automotive Technician Collaboration (ATC) is a group of nine OEMs, formed as an industry response to the technician shortage crisis. Our collective goal is to change the perception of the automotive technician career – both in the eyes of the public to grow the pool of new prospective technicians entering our dealerships, as well as through decreasing dealer technician turnover and increasing satisfaction.

Why the ATC?

The automotive technician career is stuck in a costly cycle, with technicians leaving the industry due to dissatisfaction and not enough new technicians coming in. The ATC aims to fix both issues, focusing on increasing technician retention while at the same time, growing the number of new technicians coming into the career.

Prior Work

Market Research

In 2018, the group completed market research to fully understand the depth of the problem. This included:

  • 42 OEM interviews
  • 185 dealer personnel at 45 dealers
  • 40 educator interviews
  • 70 students in 7 focus groups
  • 11 organizational interviews
  • 100+ sources of literature research

Market Research Interviews Completed Across US

From this research, the ATC learned the key problem areas for retention were in:

  • Compensation
  • Training
  • Management
  • Dealer conditions
  • Rewards & recognitions

The output of this investigation was a comprehensive how-to guide for dealers to address the largest problems facing their shop.

Recruitment Initiatives

Project Shift

The ATC also found recruiting was slow due to the stigma attached to the job. The automotive tech career is often perceived as not having good long-term career progression and also has outdated stereotypes attached to it. To address this, the ATC launched Project Shift, a digital recruitment campaign focused on educating and engaging the public about the automotive technician career to update this perception.

Grow audience and engagement with Project Shift, and ultimately, expand awareness of the technician career within target groups – middle & high school student and influencing adults.

Current Initiatives

Retention Initiatives

Design and develop a tool for dealers to self-assess dealership performance and key drivers of technician dissatisfaction, drawing on industry retention standards to improve performance. Dealers will be able to understand exactly where their dealerships perform well, and where they should focus improvement efforts on. To learn more, check out Harry Hollenberg’s feature in Automotive News where he shares the recruitment insights gathered through ATC.

Dealer and Industry Communications

Increase industry awareness and dealer network engagement with all ATC activities, with particular focus on adoption and engagement of retention standards through strategic partnerships with other organizations.

Service Advisor Collaboration

Ducker Carlisle’s Service Advisor Collaboration is designed to address and overcome the persistent challenge of Service Advisor turnover in the automotive industry. By conducting industry studies and exploring comprehensive data sets, we discover the variables that influence turnover and recommend actions to take to retain valuable employees.

Uncover the Details

In our pursuit of understanding the intricacies of Service Advisor turnover, we strive to answer pressing questions, such as:

  • How widespread is the problem, and who bears the most significant impact?
  • What sets top-performing dealers apart, and how can their success be replicated?
  • What is the actual cost of losing a Service Advisor, both in dollars and impact?

Drive Meaningful Improvements

The Service Advisor Collaboration doesn’t stop at understanding. It’s about driving positive change and improving retention.

  • Identify Best Practices
    We uncover and categorize industry-leading practices based on the root causes of turnover. This strategic approach enables us to swiftly deliver targeted solutions to dealers, aligning with their unique characteristics and current actions. These valuable insights bring immediate value to enhance Service Advisor retention strategies.
  • Quantify Costs
    Through our research, we reveal the true costs associated with losing a Service Advisor. This comprehensive analysis equips us with a clear understanding of the financial impact, including lost productivity and recruiting costs. Armed with this data, OEMs can confidently justify strategic investments in initiatives aimed at enhancing Service Advisor retention for long-term success.

Why Participate in SAC?

  • Gain Comprehensive Insights
    Deepen your industry understanding by gaining insights into diverse Service Advisor dynamics. Benchmark against industry standards for strategic insights that broaden your perspective and understanding of retention challenges.
  • Cost-Efficient Solutions
    Share the financial responsibility of addressing industry-wide turnover by joining a collaborative effort. Leverage collective resources for a streamlined, cost-efficient strategy that fosters impactful solutions beyond individual efforts.
  • Appeal to Dealer Groups
    Position your dealership at the forefront of industry change by participating in the Service Advisor Collaboration. Generate findings tailored to resonate with dealer groups managing multiple brands, showcasing your proactive role in shaping Service Advisor retention solutions.

Interested in the Automotive Technician Collaboration (ATC) and the Service Advisor Collaboration (SAC)?

Contact us to learn more.

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